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Computerised Maintenance Management Software

Operational Options

Options available for MicroMaint, MiniMaint & MaxiMaint

Web Module

Available for your Intranet or over the Internet, there are three versions, Work Requests, Work Orders or Full Web Access. The WR module allows you or your client enter your work requests remotely and follow them over the Web. The Work Order module is suitable if you have remote field engineers or require your subcontractors to complete WO forms remotely. Full Web gives access with drill downs to WO’s, WR’s, Parts, Suppliers and a Monitoring table. The latest version also features the asset tree structure and asset cost and time analyses. Full control over user view/edit access is simply completed on the base system.
Web Module


Remote Options

Remote options include both Wi-Fi wireless and GPRS mobile phone capabilities, using an internet browser. If you have a centralised internal Wi-Fi wireless connection available, work orders are opened and closed in real time by your engineers from any part of your site. Using GPRS mobile phone connections, means you work directly with the database wherever you have a mobile telephone signal. These remote options include similar features to the web module described above.
Remote Options


e-mail Notifications

Communication between all involved persons is facilitated by the ability to send e-mails to all concerned. For example, when work requests are converted into work orders, an e-mail can be sent to the originator of the work request. Of more importance is the ability to send e-mails to technicians and sub-contractors listed on the work order, or indeed to any e-mail address included on the work order.

(Not available for MicroMaint.)
e-mail Notifications


Vehicle Version

Manage your transport fleet with our version for vehicles. With facilities for recording fuel, mileage, tyres, and parts with serial numbers etc., this is an essential tool is assessing the profitability of transport companies.

(Not available for MicroMaint.)
Vehicle Version


Crystal Reports

Although there are many standard and detailed reports including bar and pie charts available in all three packages, there is sometimes a need for users to create further customised analytical and management reports. This is possible by the integration of Crystal Reports™ with any of the packages. Users can then create their own reports and tables complete with graphs.
Crystal Reports