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Computerised Maintenance Management Software

MicroMaint, MiniMaint & MaxiMaint, the easy CMMS.

MicroMaint Computerised Maintenance Management Software    MiniMaint MicroMaint Computerised Maintenance Management Software    MaxiMaint MicroMaint Computerised Maintenance Management Software

Xetec can provide three versions of their computerised maintenance management software. We can therefore focus on your CMMS requirements and provide a more suitable package. Various operational methods, such as Web, PDA and RFID options, along with flexibility through simple customisation, ensures the right fit for your maintenance department.

We realise that buying CMMS software alone will not always solve your maintenance management requirements. On one hand, MicroMaint is being used by many companies who have never purchased training or direction. On the other, the introduction of a CMMS requires careful planning and appropriate implementation, services which we can offer.

You are welcome to explore our website to see the features that we believe make our product range, the easy CMMS.