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Computerised Maintenance Management Software

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I upgrade from MicroMaint to MiniMaint and MaxiMaint?
A: Yes. All products use a database with a similar structure. So no information is lost in upgrading, and the cost is only the difference in price. Further training may be necessary to understand the extra functionality.

Q: Can I use the web module with MicroMaint?
A: Yes. The web module is the same for all three products. This enables you to use the software hosted on the Internet or Intranet. It is also the basis for use with any PDA or Phone with an Internet Browser.

Q: Is there a trial CD available?
A: Yes. A trial CD is available which contains all three versions. It is a time based trial so full functionality is available for the trial period. Network installation is not supported for trial CD's.

Q: Is there a limit to the asset tree structure?
A: No, there is no limit to the number of assets or tree structure levels.

Q: Does MicroMaint handle spare parts stock?
A: Yes. MicroMaint has actual and available quantities for all parts held in stock. The difference between actual and available counts the quantity attached to live work orders. It is also possible to set minimum reorder levels and maximum restocking quantities.

Q: What databases are available?
A: Available databases include Microsoft SQL and Oracle. All products are supplied with a built in SQL database.